This year was full of events . From the annual "Islands" exhibition in January to the scandalous "Senses and sensibilities" show in October . Each event attracted serious attention to us .
Annual show "Islands""Ilhas". Diario de Madeira. 9.01.2017
About our exhibition "Islands" with our Art director Sveta Azernikova. JM-Madeira, 2017
Exhibition "Islands" (Ilhas) once again in Diario de Noticias, 13.01.2017
Collective exhibition dedicated to the annual festival "Festa de Flor" *Flower Festival in Madeira island
Exhibition "Pormenores da rua de Santa Maria" by Maderian artist Sara Santos
Exhibition "Pormenores da rua de Santa Maria. Funchal" by Maderience artist Sara Santos at Art Center Caravel. JM Madeira
The most scandalous art show in Madeira Senses and extensibility by Carlos Barahona Posollo.
Interview with the artist.Carlos Posollo for Art Center Caravel and Diario de Noticias